Monday, March 9, 2009

New Garden- The Site

Here is where the garden will be.

As I mentioned, we have red clay and have imported a mountain of cow manure and pine fines. Hopefully, those mixed together will produce something that all the plants will adore.

Red mountain. Did you know that red clay can make you jump higher........................

................and run faster

than other people?

A study in oranges. Hair. Shirt. Dirt. Tractor. Shirt. We love orange.

Thank goodness for bleach. Well, never mind the bleach- there isn't enough in the world at this point. Thank goodness for old playclothes. Do people wear "playclothes" anymore?

Or throw dirt clods?

Black mountain.

A shame all children cannot enjoy playing in a huge pile of cow manure.

This is what the feet of happy children look like.

Next..........raised beds.


Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is having fun, except for hubby who is all business

Anonymous said...

I love this! And I totally agree. One great memory I have of us way back when is eating fried dandelions!

Those look like the happiest kids around.

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